Tuesday May 10, 2022

Goodbye Heartbreak, Hello Purpose Trailer

Hey there!

Welcome to Goodbye Heartbreak, Hello Purpose the podcast! If you're here, I know you're ready to move forward from all the heartbreaks you've experienced in your life and finally feel whole and complete.

Heartbreak keeps so many of us from reaching our full potential and achieving purpose because it keeps us stuck in emotional instability, stunted faith, and identity confusion. I don't care how successful you are in your career or business. Heartbreak will leave you feeling unfulfilled and discontent. I'm here to help!

I know what it's like to feel incomplete and experience one failed relationship after another, all the while questioning who I am, my worth, and why I keep finding myself in the same position.

In this podcast you will learn about emotional healing, spiritual growth, and who you are and why you do what you do, so you can ultimately figure out what is God created you to do on this earth. 

I'm here to join you on your journey as you say goodbye to heartbreak and hello to purpose.

There will be a new episode every second and fourth Tuesday of each month.

For more inspiration, encouragement, and continued conversations, join my free Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/427484885847810/

If you have questions, feel free to email me @ goodbyeheartbreakhellopurpose@gmail.com 

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